Smart rainwater management.
LIFE in Runoff 2023: from gravel parking lots to a comprehensive rainwater management strategy for the Budapest
Development of permeable layered gravel parking lots and a "sponge street" in Pestszentlőrinc-Pestsz [...]
7 green solutions for urban stormwater management
...what you need to know. Here are 7 green solutions for stormwater management that can be used [...]
What are sustainable drainage systems? (SuDS)
The LIFE Urban Rain team has seen many examples of so-called SuDs on both its study trips to Barcelo [...]
Rainwater management solutions in Barcelona
Stormwater management is a priority in urban areas, and Barcelona is no exception. Participants in t [...]
Nature-based solutions and stormwater management in Berlin: aims and activities of the Berlin Stormwater Agency
Berlin's land area has recently grown by leaps and bounds and is facing increasing climate challenge [...]
Flash floods – what can be done?
Sudden rainfall is becoming a more frequent phenomenon in Hungary due to climate change. It can be p [...]