március 20-án a LIFE VárosiEső projekt keretében a Klímabarát Települések Szövetsége megbízásából az Urbavis megtartotta az első csapadékvízkezelési útiterv workshopot.
A három résztvevő kerület Budapest Főváros III.
Óbuda-Békásmegyer, XVII.
Rákosmente és XIX.
Kerület Kispest Önkormányzatai voltak.
A workshop célja volt, hogy a három meghívott budapesti kerület képviselői egy-egy kerületspecifikus csapadékvízkezelési útitervet dolgozzanak ki kerületük számára.
A workshop a Hegyvidéki Önkormányzat Zöld Irodája, a Klímabarát Települések Szövetsége, a Trinity Enviro Kft és az Urbavis együttműködésével valósult meg, a munkafüzet módszertanát az Urbavis állította össze.
Cikkünkben az ő beszámolójukat közöljük.

The workshop workbook
The workshop alternated between presentations and concrete tasks, so Bence Fülöp (Trinity Enviro Ltd.) gave a professional presentation in the morning and in the afternoon, followed by concrete workshop tasks, in the framework of which the representatives of the three municipalities completed a digital workbook.

The workbook developed individually for the workshop covered the following topics:

  • Developing a vision: participating districts were asked to complete the following question on their stormwater management goals: ‘In 2050 … a district with …’

  • backcasting: in this exercise, participants would define exactly how they envision their district in 2050 in terms of stormwater management, and then derive specific tasks for 2040 and 2030.

  • Stakeholder matrix: during the stakeholder mapping exercise, participating municipalities identified local, metropolitan or national stakeholders who may be involved in stormwater management in the district.
    They were grouped into four categories according to their level of interest and influence, and placed on the stakeholder matrix.

  • stakeholder map: in the next exercise, stakeholders with both high interest and high influence were analysed in more detail by the participating municipalities.
    The 5 stakeholders identified were analysed along the following questions: what motivates them, supports or hinders the implementation of the action plan, how they could be involved, and through which communication channels.

  • Crazy 5: The workshop continued with this short, playful exercise where participants had to write down as many ideas as possible on postcards in 5 minutes with music playing and then share them with each other.

  • A 5-point action plan: finally, the workshop culminated in the development of a 5-point action plan, where each district could identify the 5 most important stormwater management actions for the coming years.
    Each action was structured according to the following predefined criteria: name of action, type of action (adaptation / mitigation / awareness raising), responsible stakeholder, other key stakeholders, communication channels, description of action, specific action areas, budget (small / medium / large), potential resources, timeframe (short / medium / long), indicators and monitoring.

Tangible results at the end of the day
The workshop ended with a feedback round, where it was found that the most important thing for the participants was to get something tangible.
In the days following the workshop, all three municipalities received the three formatted stormwater management roadmaps saved in pdf format.
Thus, both the process of preparing the roadmaps and the product can serve as an inspiration for the participating municipalities in preparing their stormwater management decisions.
Ideas for further development
The lesson learned from the series of more than 10 workshops could be that, if time is available, it might be worthwhile to develop an extended workbook that could be completed in a 2-day workshop.
Another idea for further development could be if the workshop could be repeated a year later with the same group of participants, where participants could share with each other what progress they have made, and what challenges and obstacles they may have encountered.

URBAVIS, which led the workshop, has dedicated specific time slots to develop concrete tasks and share ideas between the three districts, and will continue to support work between district staff and cooperation between the three districts.

Source: urbavis.hu