Rain gardens2024-12-04T16:58:49+00:00

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Be a Rain Saver: The magic of rain gardens in urban stormwater management

Effective management of stormwater in urban environments is key to protecting the built environment and reducing the risk of flooding. Solutions based on natural drainage, such as rain gardens, offer an innovative and sustainable way to treat rainfall not as an enemy but as a valuable resource. A rain garden is a shallowly dug area planted with plants that can drain and absorb rainwater. This means that water does not immediately run off asphalt or concrete surfaces, but infiltrates gradually into the ground, reducing the overloading of drainage systems and the risk of flooding. Rain gardens can even be used to recycle rainfall locally, as it is incorporated into groundwater reserves and recharged into local vegetation.

Why is a rain garden useful?

  • Rainwater conservation:
    Rain gardens keep water in the soil, improving local water balance. This is particularly important in cities where paved surfaces interrupt the natural water cycle.

  • Increasing biodiversity: native and water-tolerant plants used in rain gardens are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also provide food and habitat for bees, butterflies and other pollinators. In this way, a rain garden can also function as a beehive.
  • Reducing the heat island effect: green vegetation in rain gardens helps to mitigate urban heat islands, improving the microclimate.
  • Community spaces and traffic calming: a well-designed rain garden creates a landscaped environment that can also serve as a resting place or community space. In addition, green lanes can reduce car traffic, making streets friendlier for pedestrians and cyclists.

How can you be a Rainmaker?

You can create a rain garden in the garden of a family home, in a condominium courtyard or in a public space with minimal investment. All you need is a suitable space, some water-loving plants and a little planning. By participating in the “Be a Rain Saver” campaign, you are not only beautifying your environment, but also actively contributing to sustainable urban development.

Estimate the rain!

Rain gardens in urban rainfall management

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