Professional, technical, financial and operational knowledge of the application of nature-based solutions is still scarce in Hungary. TeAM HUb aims to provide a forum for sharing national and international knowledge, experience and good practices on nature-based solutions, and to encourage dialogue and cooperation between government, municipal, professional and civil society actors for the widespread practical application of nature-based solutions.

What are nature-based solutions?

Solutions inspired by nature, harnessing the power of nature, which have the common characteristic of providing environmental, social and economic benefits and improving the resilience of the area to the negative impacts of climate change.

These include, for example

natural water retention solutions (e.g. infiltration of rainwater in a lawn ditch instead of a piped system, or the use of the groundwater recharge capacity of wetlands instead of irrigation; permeable pavements instead of waterproofing; creating rain gardens) or other artificial urban green spaces, wildflower meadows, green walls, green roofs, etc. that maximise biodiversity and improve air quality, noise reduction and thermal insulation.

In 2023, the TeAM HUb team launched an online series of events, including online information forums. . During the event on 2 February 2024, experts shared their experiences in preparing concrete TAM projects, highlighting the importance of technical design, social inclusion and an ecological approach.

The presentations included a presentation of the LIFE in Runoff project. Zoltán Rózsa from the Hegyvidék Green Office presented the experiences, the difficulties and opportunities of urban stormwater retention.

Source of photo: Fortepan